Committed to Results

ARPNI uses both qualitative and quantitative data to understand the impacts of our programs and needs of our communities. Below you can find reports that show community perceptions of our programs, school climate, community conditions, and school outcomes. Together they give a sense of where we started and how things stand today.

Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) Indicators

All promise neighborhoods share a set of indicators required by the Government Performance Results Act (GPRA). These indicators speak to the goals shared by promise neighborhoods like ARPNI and give a sense of how the schools and communities ARPNI specifically serves are doing in regards to those goals.

Community Survey

As part of the ARPNI we survey of residents in the Albina and Rockwood neighborhoods. A survey was conducted in 2019 and 2021. The 2023 survey is currently underway and will be concluding in the fall of 2023.

The neighborhood survey was developed with four key goals in mind:

  • To learn more about the experiences and priorities of families in the Albina and Rockwood neighborhoods

  • To gather data to help inform programming and staffing

  • To establish a baseline and track progress of the ARPNI over time

  • To assess opportunities for advocacy

Read more about our findings in the summary and full reports below. A summary report for 2021 is available, and a full report will be available in January 2024.

school climate survey


Along with partners Insight for Action and Austin Advocates With, ARPNI conducted a year long evaluation of staff, caregiver, and student experiences with our middle and high school programs. The evaluation showed the many different kinds of services the community valued about ARPNI programs and suggested opportunities for ARPNI partners to grow and improve their services moving forward. For more detail see the summary and full report.