What is the Albina Rockwood Promise Neighborhood Initiative (ARPNI)?
The Albina Rockwood Promise Neighborhood Initiative (ARPNI) is a partnership of community-based organizations, residents, local schools, colleges, and government agencies. We work together to bring hope to young people and enhance community life. In 2019, Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI) was awarded a five-year Promise Neighborhood Initiative grant to provide programming in the Albina and Rockwood neighborhoods.
As the lead agency, SEI partnered with six culturally specific and culturally responsive organizations:
Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA)
Latino Network
Metropolitan Family Service (MFS)
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette (UWCW)
ARPNI also partners with the schools in Portland Public Schools and Reynolds School District:
Alder Elementary
Davis Elementary
Salish Ponds Elementary
Hartley Elementary
H.B Lee Middle School
Reynolds Middle School
Reynolds High School
Harriet Tubman Middle School
Jefferson High School
Who is responsible for the survey?
UWCW, in partnership with Portland State University (PSU), surveys schools in ARPNI each year and surveys families in the Albina and Rockwood neighborhoods every other year. We will survey families during the summer of 2023.
What is the survey about?
The neighborhood survey was created with four goals in mind:
Learn more about the experiences and priorities of families in the Albina and Rockwood neighborhoods
Improve services
Measure how helpful our services are over time
Identify what kind of change (if any) would serve the neighborhoods
Who can take the neighborhood survey?
Household addresses in the Albina and Rockwood neighborhoods are randomly selected to take the survey.
How do you know if you are selected?
There are two ways you could learn you were selected to take the survey:
An email
A postcard in the mail
How do you take the survey?
You can complete the survey is three easy steps:
Go to arpni.org/survey to take or schedule a time to take the survey
Enter your household identifier (the number on your postcard or in your email)
Answer all survey questions
You can either take the survey online through a computer or smartphone, or you can take the survey over the phone, via zoom, or in person. The survey will be offered in English, Spanish, Russian, Somali, Vietnamese and Arabic. Anyone who takes the survey will receive a $50 gift card.
Is the survey anonymous?
Yes, the survey is anonymous. No one will know how you respond to the survey questions. At the end of the survey you will be asked to provide a home address or email address to receive your $50 gift card. These addresses will not be connected to your survey responses.
What will happen to the survey data?
UWCW and PSU team members will analyze survey responses and share survey results. Survey results will be available in written form and through presentations.
We want data to be as helpful to the community as possible. If you are part of an organization, club, or group and would like the survey team to present survey findings, please email arpni-survey@unitedway-pdx.org